The pregnancy rumors continue for The Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice. Interestingly enough, so does speculation that she and her husband Joe Giudice are headed for divorce court. But one insider close to the family has revealed the truth.

James Leonard, Jr., who is Teresa’s lawyer and was by her side during her recent jail stint, cleared the air with E! News Wednesday.

“Teresa is not pregnant. She and Joe have four beautiful daughters together—their family is more than complete. They are not looking to add to it.”

As for rumors of being on the verge of splitting up for good while Joe is just days away from beginning his own time in prison, Leonard cleared those up, too.

“While we’re at it, Teresa and Joe are not getting a divorce. Not now, not in six months, not ever. That’s another sensational story that gets floated every few months to sell magazines or get hits on gossip websites.”

After he shut down the biggest speculation and reports surrounding the famous couple, he broke down what the real deal is between them.

“The truth is despite everything they have been through, their relationship is stronger than ever and they are still very much in love with one another.”

Teresa and Joe have been facing major legal woes since they both pleaded guilty to several fraud charges back in 2014. Teresa spent less than a year in jail and was released on Dec. 23. As for Joe, he was handed 41 months. He begins his sentence later this month.