Get ready for Flashpoint

The Flash has danced around references to the Flashpoint paradox for two seasons now, and one intrepid DC fan is tired of waiting. In the wake of teasers from Grant Gustin and the events of Batman vs Superman, the Internet was treated to an epic trailer mock up for Barry's Allen's grand adventure on Friday.

A five-part comic book event, Flashpoint turned the superhero universe on its head back in 2011. One day, the Scarlett Speedster wakes up powerless. The entire world has changed around him - Thomas Wayne is Batman, the government locked up Superman as a child, Aquaman and Wonder Woman are engaged in a bloody battle across Western Europe, and Nora Allen is alive and well. Unfortunately for Barry, he's the only one who remembers the original time line, and, as his memories quickly start to change, the meta sets out to figure out what went wrong.

Do you remember how Barry failed to save his mother in The Flash's "Fast Enough," primarily because his future self waved him off? Well, imagine if Barry actually managed to right Eobard's wrongs. Will he get that idyllic childhood he always hoped for? The short answer is a resounding 'NO.' Instead, by pulling all of the speed force into himself, the Flash sets the world on a far more devastating timeline.

Check out this fan made trailer to see what the Flashpoint paradox could look like:

Could this film ever come to pass? Gustin (Barry on The Flash), for one, hopes The Flash will eventually tackle the plot on TV.

"The Flashpoint paradox is one of my favorite things that happened in The Flash comics and I want us to do it at some point," Gustin recently told Clevver TV. "It would be really would be really challenging for us, but that's what I would like to do at some point."

Fans have theorized that future Flash from "Fast Enough" has already experienced the events of Flashpoint. If that is the case, than perhaps Gustin will eventually get his wish despite a seemingly insurmountable wall of logistics. 

Find out more when The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.