Rush Limbaugh made a bold prediction about same-sex marriage on his radio show Wednesday.

The outspoken Republican predicted that regardless of how the Supreme Court rules in the cases of Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act, same-sex marriage will eventually become legal for the entire country.

According to a transcript of the show, Limbaugh said the following:

"A lot of people have no personal animus against gay people at all. It's instead, you know, a genuine, I don't know, love/respect for the things they believe define this country as great. They get up every day and they see all this stuff under attack. They see it all under assault. And I think they're just worried about the survivability of the country. And to which the opponents say, "Well, the country's changing and you better get with it and understand it because this genie's not getting put back in the bottle." And I think that's right. I don't care what this court does with this particular ruling, Proposition 8. I think the inertia is clearly moving in the direction that there is going to be gay marriage at some point nationwide."

Limbaugh acknowledged the difficulty of the situation for the Republican party, citing the support given to marriage equality by former vice president Dick Cheney, whose daughter is lesbian.

"Dick Cheney coming out for gay marriage did not soften the opposition or the hatred to him by people in the Democrat Party or on the left a measurable iota," Limbaugh said.

Limbaugh believes Republican support for marriage equality could alienate their evangelical voter base, a group entrenched in its support for the GOP. His comments indicate that shifting to a more modern, liberal viewpoint could hurt their standing with traditional supporters, while doing little to win over enemies.