How many of the matches from Are You The One Season 4 are in a relationship right now?

On Tuesday, MTV got some details from the cast members who were on the quest to find their perfect matches. And with the way things went down in last night's finale, it was a pretty happy ending.

But are any of them actually dating each other? Some are, some aren't.

Sam and Alyssa spent a lot of time together where things started off like a fairy tale. But the two are not dating right now.

"Alyssa and I left the house week six and spent four amazing weeks together in the honeymoon suite, where we came to the conclusion that we both did not want to engage in a long-distance relationship," Sam said. "Instead, we are going to let fate work its magic and see if we someday end up in the same city to rekindle our love."

Sam added that the two are "best friends" and if he doesn't end up with her, then "a lucky man" will.

There was also the whole ordeal with Julia and Stephen, but it turned out that Julia's perfect match was Cam. These two only "casually talk," but she hopes they'll stay in touch.

Tyler and Camille were surprisingly a perfect match, something neither of them really agree with. Tyler said they are "completely different people." But luckily for him, he met someone else entirely.

"One of the most beautiful things about love is that it has a way of finding you when you least expect it, and I'm thankful I have someone that wanted to know me for me," Tyler said.

Cameron and Mikala, on the other hand, are reportedly "going strong."