The last time Supernatural fans saw Kevin Tran was as the angels were fallings and alarms were sounding inside the Men of Letter's Bunker.

What will the prophet's role be in the new season? Well, he won't be rendered obsolete, that's for sure.

"He has a role to play next year because he has an angel tablet that hasn't been translated yet," said executive producer Robert Singer, according to TV Guides's Comic-Con edition.

Near the end of season 8, Kevin (Osric Chau) mistakenly believed he was through with being a prophet and ready to go back to a normal life. Unfortunately for the advanced placement student, the angel tablet needs translating and that puts him front and center once more.

"In the beginning, the tablets wont be front and center, but they are still coveted by all sides," said executive producer Jeremy Carver, according to TV Guide. The boys will still need a prophet to interpret them."

Although we don't know when the tablets will re-enter the picture, Kevin will make an appearance in the second episode, "Devil May Care." Supernatural Stedicam operator Brian Rose posted a picture of Chau following day one of shooting in the Men of Letters bunker.

"Day 1 and 2 of S9 all done! It seems to get better every episode. So much fun, and as always, what an honor it is to work with @guynormanbee," Chau tweeted after filming began last week. 

It remains to be seen how upset Kevin may be that the Winchesters failed to close the gates of Hell after he had sacrificed so much to tell them how to.

Tags: supernatural