Things got explosive after the nomination ceremony on the Big Brother live feeds.

Head of Household: GinaMarie Zimmerman

Other houseguests: Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, Elissa Slater, Judd Daugherty, McCrae Olson and Spencer Clawson.

After GinaMarie won the Head of Household competition Thursday night, she agreed with her Exterminators alliance (Andy, Judd and Spencer) that Amanda and McCrae would be the next targets.

On Friday, Amanda and McCrae tried to push GinaMarie to nominate Elissa and Judd in order to cause the least waves in the house. GinaMarie listened to everything they had to say but did not reveal that she would be nominating the two of them.

At the nomination ceremony Friday evening, GinaMarie completely blindsided Amanda and McCrae by nominating them for eviction. The couple immediately went to their bed, both of them in total shock about what just happened. Amanda repeatedly said that GinaMarie's move didn't make sense.

After getting over the initial shock, Amanda stormed up to GinaMarie's HOH room to confront her. She started screaming at GinaMarie that the move didn't make sense and that GinaMarie has the whole house against her now. GinaMarie calmly explained to Amanda that she wanted to split up the only remaining duo in the house.

Amanda stormed out of the room and went back to her bed with McCrae. She told him that she wanted to go home and let McCrae play his own game and win. Amanda later apologized to GinaMarie for yelling at her and seemed to come to an understanding with her.

The Exterminators alliance agreed that McCrae should be evicted Thursday since he's better at competitions. If McCrae were to win the Veto and take himself off the block then they would all just vote Amanda out. Since this week will be easy for The Exterminators as well as Elissa, they decided to have fun Friday night by playing games and drinking in GinaMarie's HOH room.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 will air Sunday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring GinaMarie's HOH win and her nominations for eviction.

Watch this live feed clip of Amanda almost smashing a door in Elissa's face from Friday night: