Big Brother 15 aired its 29th episode Sunday night, featuring the Head of Household competition and the nomination ceremony.

Houseguests: Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, Elissa Slater, GinaMarie Zimmerman, McCrae Olson and Spencer Clawson.

The episode began in the midst of Thursday's HOH competition. The competition involved the houseguests moving 12 eggs through a fence. The competition was close between Andy and GinaMarie but GinaMarie wound up winning Head of Household - her second of the season.

After the HOH competition, Amanda approached GinaMarie about nominating Elissa. GinaMarie didn't respond to Amanda's suggestions. GinaMarie then talked to part of her Exterminators alliance (Andy, Judd) and agreed to nominate Amanda and McCrae.

Amanda started tormenting Elissa again, telling her she thinks she's better than everyone. Amanda told Elissa that she was definitely going to be nominated this week and would likely be evicted. Elissa replied by laughing in her face.

The houseguests participated in a Luxury competition, in which the house will filled with balloons and the houseguests were required to pop the balloons in the hopes of finding three different tokens. One token had a "1" on it, the next had a "0" on it and the other had a "K" on it. Whoever found the three tokens first would win $10,000.

Spencer wound up winning the competition.

Later, Amanda reiterated her plan to nominate Elissa and Judd to GinaMarie. GinaMarie nodded her head to all of Amanda's points, even though she wasn't going to do anything Amanda said. Still, Amanda was convinced that GinaMarie was going to nominate Elissa and Judd.

At the nomination ceremony, GinaMarie nominated Amanda and McCrae for eviction, completely blindsiding them in the process. GinaMarie told McCrae that he used to have fire in his eyes until he met Amanda. She told Amanda that she was the craziest person in the house.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 will air Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Watch Sunday night's episode here.