As war was declared with Alicia (Juliana Margulies) and Cary (Matt Czuchry) being fired from the firm in the last episode, Will (Josh Charles) and Diane (Christine Baranski) will do everything in their power to ruin things for the defectors' new startup in the next episode.

In episode 6, The Next Day, when Alicia and Cary walk away with one of the clients from Lockhart/Gardner, a threatened Will and Diane try to figure out ways of delaying the handing over of case files to the new firm.

The preview for the episode starts with Alicia's daughter waking her up and asking her to brush her teeth and not "lose anymore clients."

And Will and Diane show viewres that they are now ready to play it dirty. "We're taking this firm to the top and it won't be polite anymore," Will tells Diane. "I'm through with being polite," Diane reassures him.

Melissa George also guest stars on this episode as Marilyn Garbanza, who is the head of ethics committee in the Governor's office. The governor is Alicia's husband, Peter Florrick. Garbanza will give Alicia some advice in this episode. In the preview, Garbanza tells Alicia that she is right not to trust her, as Alicia asks her, who she is really working for. Producer Michelle King had previously suggested that Garbanza's character might create problems for Alicia as there was always the worry that people would try to lobby the governor through the spouse. 

"There's a lot of problems with spouses, especially spouses who have their own jobs," King said.

In the Oct. 27 episode, Hitting the Fan, Will (Josh Charles) told her she was "poison" and informed her that she had been officially been removed from her position at Lockhart/Gardner.

The Next Day will air on Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. E.T. on CBS

Watch the preview here: