Everyone's relationships in Salem are set to be seriously tested as secrets start threatening to come to the surface on Days of Our Lives.

E.J. Tries To Avoid Sami?

E.J. (James Scott) has been desperately trying to keep his affair with Abigail (Kate Mansi) a secret from his fiancée Sami (Alison Sweeney), but now that Abigail believes she is pregnant with his child, his lie is threatening to catch up with him. He was previously forced to sneak onto a window ledge when Sami nearly walked in on a private conversation between him and Abigail which would have given away the truth. However, his sneaking wasn't stealthy enough, and on the Monday, March 17 episode, Sami will confront him with what she believes is the real reason for his sneaking around. Though it will be a sigh of relief for E.J. that she doesn't know about the affair, he will still be mortified by what she says.

Daniel (Shawn Christian) will confront Nicole (Arianne Zucker) about the evidence he found which proves she has been lying to Eric (Greg Vaughan). If Eric learns the truth about what she did, it will officially end the couple's already tumultuous relationship, so Nicole will be forced to try and convince Daniel that what he has found is not only nothing, but something she had no previous knowledge of.

Jennifer Ends Things With Liam

Meanwhile, Daniel's girlfriend Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) will get one step closer to figuring out who has been harassing her with hate mail and terrible comments on the hospital website.

Days of Our Lives airs Monday-Friday at 1 p.m. on NBC.