As Homeland enters its fourth season, the show's producers are adjusting to a new dynamic now that main character Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis) is dead.

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Brody was hanged in Iran during the season 3 finale of Homeland, as Carrie (Claire Danes), the CIA agent who carried on an affair with him through three seasons, could only watch. With Brody out of the picture, the show will be much different, but the tone of the show will be the same, according to show producer Howard Gordon.

"What does a Brody-less Homeland look like is probably the biggest challenge," Gordon told E! News at the 24: Live Another Day premiere, a show he also produces. "But Brody is always present in her life and the shadow of his loss is very long and dark."

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Gordon continued, "She was pregnant with his baby. Not unlike Jack Bauer, she is very good at what she does, but it's often incompatible with the human things that the rest of us get to enjoy: love, kindness and motherhood."

As Gordon said, the show will not fall into melodrama, though fans should be conscious of the fact that season 4 "requires patience, but it's exciting. It's a thriller, it's still a thriller. It shares some of the DNA of 24."

Many Homeland fans expressed their outrage on social media after Brody was hanged in the season 3 finale. With the series taking such a drastic step, season 4 could breathe new life into the show. The fourth season will be filmed in South Africa, where they likely intend to make it appear like it's the Middle East, which is Carrie's new job location.

Homeland season 4 premieres in fall 2014 on Showtime, though the network has not yet announced a specific air date.