The 100's Lexa will not spend season 3 on a quest for redemption.

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The Grounder leader concluded "Blood Must Have Blood: Part 1" with her seemingly unforgivable betrayal of the Sky People, but Lexa won't be haunted by her decisions as the series' moves forward. Redemption is not in the cards simply because Lexa does not believe her actions warrant it.

"Redeemed for what?" series creator Jason Rothenberg teased. "In her mind, she doesn't need redemption. Whether Clarke will forgive her or not is another question."

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According to the series' writers, Lexa's decision was "completely in line with her character," even if it served to fracture a budding relationship between herself and Clarke Griffin.

"At the gates of Mount Weather she saw warriors being cut to pieces by machine guns. She was offered a deal by Cage that was impossible to refuse: stop fighting and your people will go free and the Reaping will stop, ending decades of capture and death," writer Kira Snyder explained. "Lexa weighed this offer along with the potential costs of her army continuing to fight and die in the halls of Mount Weather, and chose to save her people, which was always her goal as Commander."

Find out what's next for Lexa - and if she will even return for season 3 - when The 100 returns to The CW this fall. Click the video below to see a preview for Lexa's final season 2 appearance in "Blood Must Have Blood: Part 1."