Bargain hunters and shoppers everywhere are gearing up to begin their holiday shopping on Thanksgiving Night and Black Friday by taking advantage of the deals being offered by retailers everywhere.  

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However, it can easily become overwhelming trying to figure out the best way to cross everything off your list and still do so by getting the best deals. But never fear, there are surefire ways to make sure you will not only get the best deals on the items you seek, but to do so without being one of those people on the news who went too crazy over an item and started a fight.  

Here are 7 tips for how to be the best Black Friday shopper this year: 

Check Out A List Of Store Hours

Make A Budget-And Stick To It 

Seeing low prices on everything from electronics and toys to home goods, beauty products and apparel can make it very tempting to just go spend crazy-but after the shopping spree ends and the bills arrive, the entire experience can suddenly become a traumatizing one. So the best thing to do overall is set a spending limit and make sure not to go over it.  

Scour The Ads For The Best Deals 

Once you've set your spending limit and make a list of everything you're looking to get, start checking the ads for the stores you plan on going to. Mostly every store will have a deal on a specific sized TV-check all of them out to see who actually has the best deal.  

Check For Extra Savings By Downloading Store & Savings Apps 

Another way to save is to use your phone and download specific store apps to potentially score even more savings and coupons. Nearly every store has apps that give you deals, ones that are exclusive to specific stores. Great ones include Walmart's Savings CatcherTarget's Cartwheel and Amazon Subscribe-and-Save. Outside of the stores themselves, other apps including the RetailMeNot app, will provide coupons that can be used on specific items.  

Plan Your Route 

Unless all the stores you plan to hit up are all located in the same shopping mall or parking lot, driving from one to the next and back and forth between the stores can be not only exhausting, but a drain on your gas tank, which adds to the money spent. After you've decided what you're getting and where you're going, figure out where each store is, when their hours are, and plan a route that best utilizes the time you have.  

Check Out Store Maps 

Some stores, like Walmart and Target, have already made maps available online that allow you to see where doorbusters will be located. Knowing ahead of time where items you may be seeking are can help you quickly locate them and minimize your time in the store-which will also help you step away from the temptation of spending more than you have.  

Get Advanced Tickets For Doorbuster Items If Possible 

If a store offers advanced tickets for doorbusters, try to utilize that method. Note, you may be leaving Thanksgiving celebrations for a bit to pick up a ticket at say Best Buy, but if you're lucky enough to grab one, most companies then reserve that item for you until a specific pick-up time that is after the sale begins. What that means is that after you get your ticket, you can return home, continue your Thanksgiving celebrations, and not rush out immediately after dinner in an attempt to get the items-meaning you can still enjoy your family time as well.  

Most Importantly, Be Civil 

The most important advice to be the best Black Friday shopper though is knowing how to be civil. There have been so many horror stories over the years of people being trampled to death, or getting arrested for assault, and there's no need to become one of those statistics. So be polite, kind, and don't fight with someone over the item you seek-it's likely not what you need. Also, extend that courteous behavior to employees at the stores as well. They are not hiding items on you, and remember-they aren't always away from their families as willingly as you may be. Be nice to them, wish them a happy holiday, and move on.