A lawmaker from Indiana is about to cause some serious backlash.

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A representative named Woody Burton opened up on his beliefs that being gay is a behavior. The discussion got so serious that he ended up comparing homosexuality to former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle who is behind bars on charges of pedophilia and child pornography.

"The thing with Subway and Jared is a classic example of what's the next step," Burton said in Tuesday's report from Indy Star. "And you say, oh that will never happen. I've got articles on my computer at home from the English newspapers saying that those people can't help it and they ought to be protected in England."

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The rep then revealed his confusion on why gay and transgender people are being protected from discrimination, but overweight people are not.

"If I pass a law that says transgenders and homosexuals are covered under the civil rights laws, then does it say anywhere that fat white people aren't covered?" he said. "What if I'm overweight? I don't mean that to be facetious. I've been fat all my life and people used to make fun of me when I was a kid. I could probably do something about it, okay? Maybe I got some physical thing. But when I was a kid there were people who discriminated against me because I was fat."