Amy Schumer did something awfully generous after her fun night with a Broadway cast.

On Sunday, New York Daily News announced that the actress, who had the pleasure of seeing the musical Hamilton on stage, left a pricey tip for the bartenders that night. The bill cost $77, but she gave $1,000 for the tip.

The site even posted a photo of the bill, showing that Schumer paid a total of $1,077 when she clearly didn't have to.

Madeleine DeJohn, one of the staff members of the bar, was thrilled to find out how much money was left for the hard-working employees.

"I was very touched, it was just something so generous and so kind that you don't see every day," she said.

The staff members took a photo with the bill, thanking Schumer for her generosity.

In fact, Schumer added some photos from the big night to her Instagram page, including when she had the opportunity of meeting the actors.

Hamilton is currently one of the most popular musicals happening on Broadway, to the point that it's nearly impossible to score a ticket.