Danish scientists stated that they are anticipating new results that will soon have them on the road to finding an affordable cure to the HIV virus.

Clinical trials are evaluating a "novel strategy," where the HIV virus is stripped from DNA and eliminated permanently by the immune system.

The ideal outcome would be an immense step in an attempt to uncover a cure for the virus, which causes AIDS, resulting in the death of millions of individuals around the world.

Scientists are already in the midst of running human trials on their treatment, with the hope of proving that it works. It has already been found to be effective in lab tests.

The approach involves releasing the HIV virus from reserves it forms inside DNA, which brings it to the surface of the cells, where it can be fought.

Upon the virus reaching the surface, the body's natural immune system can combat the virus via vaccine given by doctors.

Dr. Ole Sogaard, a senior researcher at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark stated that the early stages of the vaccine are "promising," according to Web MD.

"I am almost certain that we will be successful in releasing the reservoirs of HIV. The challenge will be getting the immune system to recognize the virus and destroy it. This depends on the strength and sensitivity of individual immune systems, he said."

Fifteen patients are currently participating in the trials, and if any of them go on to be cured of the HIV virus, then the vaccine will be tested on a wider scale.