Jodi Arias was found guilty for the first degree murder of her on-and-off lover Travis Alexander on May 8 and a live court session for the next phase of the trial - the aggregation phase - will begin at 1 p.m. EST on May 15.

The sensational murder trial's next phase can be watched online via the free live stream below.

Twenty minutes after the verdict was read aloud in the Maricopa County courtroom earlier in May, Arias spoke to Phoenix, Arizona's Fox 10 News about how she felt regarding her conviction. Prior to the interview, Arias left a voicemail with the news reporter to confirm their chat and it was leaked and played on HLNTV on May 10.

In the audio, the convicted murderer said she will agree to speak with Fox 10 News only "if for some reason the jury comes back with first-degree." If the verdict would have been with second-degree, she would have granted the interview "after sentencing."

Here is a full transcript of Arias' voicemail.

"Hi Troy. Jodi Arias. Umm, it's Sunday.  

"I just wanted to let you know... umm, you know, a deal is a deal kind of thing, but I regret saying that. But, I'm a person of my word, so I'll keep our deal. Umm, but, I also wanted to let you know, if for some reason the jury comes back with first degree, just come down to the jail.

"Because I'm not sure how things are going to go ... well, I have an idea but I don't want to wait. So... umm, we tend to get back from court around 6, 6:30, so if the jail... you're going to be down that way, and that's cool, we can go forward. Umm, if it's second degree or less, I will wait 'til after sentencing.

"But if it's first degree, for some reason, come down right away, but like I said if it's second degree or less, we'll wait 'til after. So, that's that.... Take care. Bye."

A HLNTV news reporter commented on the voicemail Arias left with Fox 10 News. 

"It shows (Arias) competency, it shows her intent, it shows her ability to understand the surroundings win what is happening with her," said the reporter.

"When she says she wants to live or wants to die, that may be a very intentional decision on her part," referring to Arias' statements made in the interview following the verdict.

Arias said she would rather "get death than life" and "die sooner than later" than spend the rest of her life in jail.

She was moved to a psychiatric ward shortly after she was convicted and placed under "constant supervision." Authorities believe the convicted killer is considering suicide.

When the aggregation phase begins on Wednesday, prosecutor Juan Martinez will present more evidence to the jury to prove Alexander's crime was committed in a cruel manner. "Cruel manner" is when a victim suffered physical and or mental pain, according to Arizona law. 

If the jury decides that Arias is guilty for committing the crime in a cruel manner, Arias and her defense team, family members and or friends will plead for leniency and ask that she not die by lethal injection. If this happens, the jury will have to make a decision for the third time - if she should be sentenced to life in prison or death.

Watch the live court session with prosecutor's arguments and witness on Wednesday at 1 p.m. EST.