Whovians can now put a name to the upcoming Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special.

The BBC has released the title of the 75-minute event, along with a new promotional poster.

Listing the episode name as "The Day of the Doctor," the poster shows Matt Smith (the Eleventh Doctor) back to back with David Tennant (the Tenth Doctor) while John Hurt (the unnumbered Doctor) walks away from an explosion in between them.

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The episode, which will be Smith's penultimate performance as the iconic time traveler, will also feature Jenna Coleman as Clara and Billie Piper as Rose for the first time since season 4.

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"Fifty years has turned Doctor Who from a television show into a cultural landmark," said showrunner Steven Moffat, according to the BBC. "Personally I can't wait to see what it becomes after a hundred."

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Due to the program's cultural significance, the network will be airing several specials regarding the long-lasting sci-fi show.

In the run up to the cross-timeline episode, the BBC Two will feature an special with Professor Brian Cox (Wonders of the Universe) exploring the science behind Doctor Who. Meanwhile, BBC Four will air a re-run of the first ever episode, "An Unearthly Child," with William Hartnell. On the airwaves, BBC Radio 2 will air Who is The Doctor? while Radio 1 will investigate Time Lord Rock, also known as TROCK.

"The Day of the Doctor" will air on Nov. 23.