If you are a diehard Whovian and have dreamt of traveling right form your home to the inside of the Tardis, now's your chance.

Fans can now tour the inside of the Eleventh Doctor's current Tardis without ever leaving their computer thanks to a new easter egg from Google Maps.

Hidden deep in the streets of London is a street view unlike any other. By following this link Google will transport you to Earl's Court road in London where, sitting just outside a frozen yogurt café, is a dark blue police telephone box.

If you look at the street in front of you, you will see the usual Google Maps arrows pointing up and down. However, next to the up arrow will be two arrows pointing in the direction of the police call box. Clicking these arrows will take you to the inside of the Tardis.

Fully equipped with Google's Street View functions, the inside of the Tardis control room is completely navigable. Not only can you view each of the control panels, but you can also travel down the steps to view the heart of the Tardis as well as being able to go up onto the walkway that encircles the room.

Unfortunately, viewers are unable to travel down any hallways, probably since the Tardis is so expansive that Doctor Who fans may never leave their computers for fear of missing something.

According to TechCrunch, the feature will not work in the newest Google Maps interface. However, the site advises users to use Chrome's incognito mode to open the link and then try to explore the Doctors vessel.