The actors of Supernatural would like you to know that they are moving to Tuesdays, and they want to tell you with the appropriate level of levity.

In a new video posted by the CW, Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester) and Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester) list off the dangers of hunting - the torture, the possession, the frequent annoying bouts of death - before extolling the virtues of taking down monsters on a Tuesday.

Neither of the Winchester brothers have ever died on a Tuesday.

As a montage of Dean's more notable deaths runs through your head accompanied by Asia's Heat of the Moment, the duo then promise you a "super-easy, super-chill, Supernatural premiere."

Well, from the looks of things, the premiere will be everything but easy. Following the events of "Sacrifice," the world of the Winchesters was turned upside down. Now that the angels have fallen from heaven, Castiel (Misha Collins) has lost his grace, Crowley (Mark Sheppard) is a half-cured captive, Abaddon (Alaina Huffman) is on the loose, and Sam is desperately ill from the trials, Dean is left to try and pick up the pieces.

Despite the multitude of issues season 8 left in its wake, the primary task will be curing Sam. While it still remains a mystery as to how Dean will accomplish this, a new trailer shows that the brothers will spend some time inside Sam's head, possibly courtesy of Ezekiel (Tahmoh Penikett).

Supernatural will return to the CW on Oct. 8.