New Love & Hip Hop Atlanta star Waka Flocka has found himself back in trouble with authorities and he and his wife Tammy Rivera have yet to break their silence on the matter.

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The Oh Let's Do It rapper and reality star was arrested after being caught with weapons at an Atlanta airport, TMZ reported Friday.

Not only did security reportedly discover his handgun while going through a scan, after further research it came out that he was not permitted to carry the firearm. Authorities immediately arrested him and booked him in Clayton County Jail. He has been charged with Carrying a Weapon in a Prohibited Place.

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As of now Wakaa Flocka nor his wife, Tammy Rivera have spoken out publicly about the charges.

Just recently it was rumored that Waka Flocka was in hot water with federal agents after Rivera shared a snapshot on Instagram of him holding a handgun. In the picture, Rivera is serving up duck lips for the camera while the rapper points the gun from what looks like is the back seat. Interestingly enough, the picture came just days after the explosive Love & Hip Hop Atlanta reunion aired. During the taping Rivera was attacked by her co-star Joseline Hernandez who went out on a rampage against several others as well. Shortly after the fights cooled down, Rivera revealed that her husband was not happy about what went down.

Many assumed that the picture was a threat for Hernandez and her husband, Stevie J, who was also involved in several fights. Especially because her caption read, "Daddy's home now #MeetTheFlockas lovehiphopatl"

The picture has since been deleted but check it out here.

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