Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and Regina's (Lana Parrilla) roles will essentially be flipped in the upcoming fifth season of ABC's Once Upon a Time.

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With Emma surrendering herself to darkness in the season 4 finale, she will be making her transition to the Dark One in season 5. This means Regina, Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin), Charming (Josh Dallas), Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) and Henry (Jared Gilmore) will have to go out of their way to bring her back.

But for Regina especially, this is a new role for her. While Once Upon a Time co-creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz are not necessarily calling Regina the Savior, it certainly provides for an interesting role reversal.

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"It's not necessarily that Regina is the Savior, but she has been put into a position now where she owes Emma [for saving her from the Darkness]," Horowitz told TVLine in a new report. "She's become a more heroic character over the years but now she has her biggest challenge yet, and it's an awkward fit for her because she's not used to having to lead or take charge. And she's got to work with people like Hook, who has a very strong interest in saving Emma as well. And both Hook and Regina are strong personalities."

Kitsis added that Hook will be even more passionate about saving Emma, saying he is going to be "quite active over the first 10 episodes."

The overall theme for the first half of season 5 is that "love is a dangerous weapon", which should bode well for the strength of Hook's love for Emma.

Once Upon a Time season 5 premieres Sunday, Sept. 14 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.