His behaviors have been causing concerns for a while, and Morgan (Bryan Craig) finally hit his breaking point on General Hospital.

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His manic and compulsive behaviors concerning Ava (Maura West) and his attempt to kill Julian (William DeVry) after Sonny (Maurice Benard) was shot initially concerned his loved ones about his possibly being bipolar, but now, after he got Kiki (Hayley Erin) out of town and continues trying to convince her not to turn herself in for causing Carly's (Laura Wright) car accident, his behavior could officially get to its most concerning level yet.

Morgan has become convinced that someone, specifically a cop, has arrived at the cabin where he and Kiki have been hiding, and as a result, has been walking around with a loaded gun-which he may wind up using after Kiki fails to convince him that no one has found them and is trying to take her away from him.

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"Morgan, please come back! MORGAN!" she screams in a preview clip for the Monday, Nov. 23 episode, just before letting out a scream when she hears what appears to be a gunshot outside.

Meanwhile, back in Port Charles, Morgan's parents are also concerned about their son's well-being, since they're pretty sure he is the one who not only suggested Kiki skip town, but has been keeping her away so she can officially own up to her crime.

"Sonny, I think Morgan's in real trouble," Carly says in the clip.

General Hospital airs Monday-Friday at 3 p.m. in ABC.