A mountain lion named Mufasa was rescued by Animal Defenders International (ADI) after spending his 20 years as a Peruvian circus animal.

When the rescuers saw Mufasa, he was chained at the back of a pickup truck. It could be seen that the mountain lion was sad and depressed. The rescuers immediately cut his chains and transforted the lion to Peruvian forest, a safe and peaceful environment. To execute this move, ADI did its best to track down the people who are responsible for Mufasa's demise, which eventually led to the discovery of the mountain lion's whereabouts.

Aside from Mufasa, ADI also saved a Peruvian bear named Cholita, who was also mistreated at a circus. Furthermore, the organization urged countries such as Peru, Colombia, and Belgium to ban circuses from using wild animals in their shows.

As for the mountain lion, he is currently enjoying his newly found freedom at his new home.