The holiday season comes with the perfect storm of endless dinners and cocktails, and if you're anything like me, Christmas makes it doubly challenging to resist temptation. There's just too much good food around! All that effort of staying fit and keeping the weight just goes flying out the window, right?


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There are effective ways you can prevent yourself from gaining the extra weight this season. Just check out these science-backed tips and you'll never have to deprive yourself, with a little help from Go Beyond Relief.

Stop skipping meals

You just got invited to a dinner party and lord knows how many pies and pudding there will be. What do you do? Skip on breakfast and lunch so you have a full empty stomach.

This is one of the poorest ways of eating your way through the holidays because you end up binging. It's best to eat a protein-packed breakfast to make you feel full longer and a light lunch to pair it with. This way, you're not going to gobble it all up and fall fast asleep.

Pick the right protein

If you are going to host the dinner party, choose your protein wisely. Protein is capable of helping you maintain the weight, as it makes for longer satiety. However, opting for the fatty pork roast may not entirely be the best idea.

Go for the roasted turkey or chicken instead. Serve it with animal-free alternatives such as quinoa, beans or lentils.

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Use smaller plates

You've heard this a million times for a good reason. Your brain associates the size of your plate to how much you eat. When you opt for smaller plates, you're more likely to eat less.

Let grandma set up the bigger plates. Just makes sure to sneak in a few smaller ones when she's not looking.

Exercise, exercise, exercise

"I'll eat all I want now and just work out after this is over!"- we're all guilty of such mentality. We think that we can cheat our way through eating all those fatty meals but we don't realize how much extra weight we'll pack after a few weeks of binging.

Get sweaty as early as now. In between the invitations and the gathering-around-the-fireplace, jog or hike. The gym may be packed now but it's not at excuse to skip on exercise. You have the rest of the outdoors to get moving.

Eat slowly

It can be pretty overwhelming to see a table filled with tasty delights. What do we do? Chomp our way through each dish like a famished lion.

Hold on there. Where's the fire? There's no need to be quick about eating. Learn to chew your food slowly. Not only is this good for your digestive system. It also makes you feel fuller quickly leading you to eat less. Besides, take advantage of this time with your friends and family. Chew, talk and laugh your way through dinner.

Wait before going for seconds

Science says that it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to process that dinner's been served. So just before you rush back to the table, wait a little bit. Go for a walk and have a chat with ol' Uncle Jimmy. You may just realize you're all good for the night.