The Flash's Barry Allen is not done hiding the truth from Iris West.

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The hero of Central City kept his metahuman identity (and his feelings) a secret from his closest friend for almost an entire season, and he had to face the heart wrenching consequences sooner rather than later. As season 2 progresses, Barry (Grant Gustin) will be in possession of earth-shattering news once more.

And no, it's not related to that pre-tsunami kiss.

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"Barry has a much bigger thing that he's going to have to tell her coming up soon," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told TV Line. "Things are going to change for them in a way that I think [is] going to make fans happy."

Is there hope or WestAllen after all? Their coupling seems to be predestined as per Gideon's archives, but Eddie Thawne is living proof that the future is not set in stone.

Perhaps Barry's news flash will come by way of his trip to Earth-2. Promos have indicated that Barry and Iris' (Candice Patton) doppelgangers are extremely close, but will that revelation translate to Earth-1? Fans will have to tune in to find out what The Flash has to say, and when he will say it.

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW. Check out the video below to get a peek at the second half of season 2.