If Paula Deen wants sympathy from fans and friends, she better start caring about her health.

Deen was recently snapped chewing down on a greasy cheeseburger just weeks after revealing she has type 2 diabetes.

The Southern chef, who was onboard a Caribbean cruise when the photo was taken, recently came under fire for publically promoting unhealthy foods while suffering from the disease.

Fellow foodie, Andrew Zimmern, recently blasted Deen for her high-calorie foods.

“I have a tremendous platform and responsibility to talk about these issues about sustainability and about health and wellness when it comes to food,” Zimmern told Anderson Cooper.

“I think it became a much more personal thing when she found out she had diabetes,” he continued. “It’s such a serious issue right now, I can’t judge what you do when you get that news, certainly that’s up to Paula.”

Deen is now the spokesperson for the controversial diabetes drug Victoza.

Tags: Paula Deen