A baby brown bear entered the home of 25-year-old Justin Lee in Monrovia, California and rummaged through his kitchen, treating itself to some Chinese food and making a large mess along the way. The mischevious bear also stole a box of dog food for its companion, which was waiting outside the home, according to reports.

Lee told ABC News, "We are used to seeing bears outside of our home. They will come to our garden and backyard a lot, it is common in our city, and I've gotten used to seeing them these past two years. But when I saw them walk into our house, it was really scary and amusing at the same time."

Lee grabbed his dog, ran to his upstairs bedroom, locked the door and called the authorities, but not before snapping a few photos of his scary visitor. When the police arrived, the bears were still on the premises, staring at the officers non-threateningly. According to Monrovia Police Department Lieutenant Nels Ortlund, the responding officers fired a beanbag into the air the frightened the bears back to where they came from.

Ortlund had a word of advice for other Monrovia residents. "Bears are a regular occurrence in the foothills of Monrovia. It is a good reminder for people to place trash and pet food in secured containers, and as warmer weather approaches, to be watchful as they are outside more and as they leave doors and windows open."

Lee said the bears were messy, but not destructive. "We were really lucky. There was a mess but nothing was broken, not even a plate," he said. "We were told there were instances where a bear has actually ripped open a refrigerator door."

Lee also said that despite the scare he had, he will eventually be comfortable again in his home. "Yesterday night I was looking at the window and knowing it was safe, but just having a small window and door is still concerning. I think we will get used to it, and our fear will eventually wear off."