"The Blacklist" season 4 may be focusing on the hunt to find Liz and Tom's daughter, Agnes. However, another mystery remains floating on air. With Mr. Kaplan still alive, what significant role will she be playing in the life of Red?

When Enstars first speculated that Red would kill Mr. Kaplan, the theory was her dying and not surviving. As the story develops in "The Blacklist" season 4, however, there are quite a number of questions raised by the incident, which did not lead to Kate dying.

Although many are now speculating that Mr. Kaplan will probably end up as Red's enemy in the end, the circumstances might just result to an opposite effect. Perhaps the most curious concern that needs to be pointed out is Red's imprecision. Why has he not made sure that Kaplan is dead before leaving her?

Someone as careful and calculated as Red cannot be sloppy all of a sudden. The two have been friends for a long time and he must have known that Mr. Kaplan is a survivor. Why would Red assume she's dead after he shot her? Why not have Dembe bury the body to be certain she will not rise back from the dead?

Such loophole points out to one obvious answer at the moment. Red did not really intend to kill Mr. Kaplan. It could be that the two are brewing some grand scheme that could smoke Alexander Kirk out of hiding and ultimately save Agnes.

There is a huge possibility that Red pretended to hate Kate that much so that she can finally infiltrate Kirk's syndicate and spy on him. There is one huge setback, however. The person who found Mr. Kaplan is now holding her hostage in his cabin. If this new character is not a part of the grand plan, then he will pose a threat to the carrying out of the plot devised by Red and Kate.

Another scenario is that if Red indeed hates Kaplan that much, he deliberately did not kill her so that he could torture her even more for what she had done to him. The man who has Kaplan hostage may be one of Red's men. He may be working with him to bring further misery in the life of Red's former ally.

To know more about Mr. Kaplan's fate, watch "The Blacklist" season 4 on NBC every Thursday night.