Her character is openly struggling with trying to lose weight on This Is Us, but it appears any progress she does make will mean that actress Chrissy Metz is also making that same progress in her personal life as well.

In a new interview with TV Line, Metz revealed that her contract for the role of Kate Pearson stipulated that she would need to lose weight as her character did, so she can realistically portray a woman working toward a major goal. And though some may believe such a stipulation would upset or anger her, Metz revealed it had the opposite effect, and she was actually very happy to sign on the dotted line.

"In our contract, it did state that that would be a part of it, to lose the weight in the trajectory of the character as she comes to find herself," she said in the interview. "That was a win-win for me. Because it's one thing to try to do it on your own. But as human being, it's an ego thing: We're more likely to do something for someone else."

She also added that the caveat she gradually improve her own health was something she saw as a "diffferent kind of motivation, so I was excited about it."

She also said that she also isn't trying to lose the weight in her real life simply because she's becoming more famous now either, and that it is simply something that she would do for health reasons only.

"I just have to be very clear," she said. "Whether or not I lose weight or stay the same, it's purely a choice of mine for health. Not because I think that plus size, curvy, voluptuous, big bodies aren't attractive-because I think they're awesome and sexy. So I'll just have to make sure that's known, because I'm not selling out the big girls. I don't do that. That's not me."

However, the weight won't be the only thing that will be a part of Kate's storyline as the show continues to move forward, and other facets of her life will be explored, something Metz admits she's very excited about.

"I'm just rolling with the punches...I, as Chrissy, want to do things that mentally, emotionally and physically make me the best that I can be. That's the intention for our writers and the development of the character," she said.

This Is Us airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on NBC.