Do Marvel Fanboys Have To Mercilessly Trash EVERY Cool Female Character We Get? Scarlet Witch Rules. Get Over It.

We're only a couple of years removed from a wave of Brie Larson/Captain Marvel hate from fanboys so toxic and so strong that it literally shifted whole fandom conversations - and all for a lot of different, sorta vague reasons like "she's a snob" or "she couldn't engage me in the film" (sounds like a you problem buddy, but okay.)
They're reasons that basically boil down to one thing: A few insecure men moved to troll because they can't handle a woman having the spotlight.
Well, buckle up kids, because it's about to get stupider.
Following the success of Wandavision, it seems it's Elizabeth Olsen's turn to be called "overrated" by the bitter-male masses, as she trended on Twitter today over an argument over whether or not she - and her character, Wanda Maximoff - is being praised too highly.
how elizabeth olsen has become the most overrated actress on twitter is beyond me
— doctor idk (@bigmonkeong) April 7, 2022
Nevermind the fact that this person literally got dragged in their own replies after reciepts proved that they were flip-flopping their opinion just for likes...
this u??
— deni (@yelenatooshie) April 8, 2022
And also nevermind the fact that Elizabeth Olsen has been in dozens of other acclaimed movies, giving fantastic performances...
Calling Elizabeth Olsen an overrated actress just because people hype her up as Wanda when her work outside the MCU speaks for itself. Just hilarious and clown behavior.
— alias (@itsjustanx) April 8, 2022
It's sort of just weird to call something overrated for being popular. It doesn't make any sense - it's being rated. Actively. By many people. You can't make a call on the rating while it's still being made. (Are you then rating the rating?)
Overrated is a personal opinion, not a title you can just give out because you don't understand what all the hype is about. To call someone overrated and expect that judgement to be held as plain truth is an assumption that you are for some reason supposed to be the ultimate arbiter of opinion...which, when men do it in cases like this, leaves a particularly bad taste.
Everytime a female character takes the centre stage or tries to "steal" the thunder of the male character, dudebros self combust.
— Sofi (@SummerComeSoon2) April 8, 2022
The real reason people are angry, as outlined in the tweet above, seems pretty simple - the Boys are mad that Wanda seems to be getting more attention from her small appearances in the trailers for Doctor Strange in the Mulitverse of Madness than Doctor Strange is getting himself.
But even that objection is little more than a whine - because so what if she is? It's just a trailer. Hype doesn't equal screentime - it's not like you're going to arrive at the movie and, due to fan demand, they've done a thousand reshoots and now Wanda is the main character. The film is still called Doctor Strange.
Also, it makes sense that Wanda's appearance in the trailer is huge. First of all - as outlined by one of the Twitter users above - her "that doesn't seem fair" line absolutely slayed, and it resonated in a way that would naturally soar right over a troll's head.
And second, this is her first appearance since WandaVision - a hugely successful series that also became a major coping mechanism for many people (especially women) during one of the worst parts of the pandemic. Obviously people are going to be excited to see her on screen again.
“elizabeth olsen is overrated and overhyped.”
— ً (@lizzieoIogy) April 7, 2022
marvel’s first project with elizabeth olsen as the lead role:
When it comes right down to it, though, these pathetic trolls are literally telling on themselves: We know what it is they really hate, and it's *certain people* having any influence over the fandom they think they own.
This user actually really spelled out who it is that he wants gone:
It's simple, Wesley. 14 year old white girls.
— ᎷᏆᎢᎻᎡᏆᎠᎪᎢᎬ (@venom0804) April 7, 2022
Sorry babes. Time to be big boys and learn to share.