Big Brother 15 will feature a nine-person jury for the first time in the show's history, and it will begin Thursday with the double eviction.

Week 6 Head of Household: GinaMarie Zimmerman

Week 6 Nominees: Amanda Zuckerman, Candice Stewart & Spencer Clawson

Other houseguests: Aaryn Gries, Andy Herren, Elissa Slater, Helen Kim, Jessie Kowalski, Judd Daugherty and McCrae Olson.

The Big Brother houseguests don't know it yet, but the jury will start forming on Thursday, with the two evictees becoming the first two jurors.

The official CBS Big Brother Twitter account tweeted the following message on Wednesday: "BREAKING NEWS! The #BB15 jury begins this week with both evicted Houseguests from the Double Eviction on Aug 8!"

This complicates things for the houseguests, most of which have been intent on evicting Candice Thursday so that she wouldn't reach the jury portion of the game. On the Big Brother live feeds, the houseguests agreed that Candice would be the one evicted out of her, Amanda and Spencer despite Elissa, Helen and Jessie entertaining the idea of voting out Amanda instead.

After Elissa, Helen and Jessie tried to get Andy and Judd on board with the plan to evict Amanda, neither seemed particularly interested. Andy subsequently went and told Amanda and McCrae about the plan, which led to Amanda having another breakdown. This caused Helen to console her and say that they weren't going to vote her out this week.

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With Aaryn, Andy, Judd and McCrae all on board to evict Candice this week, it is all but guaranteed that she will be evicted. Therefore, Elissa, Helen and Jessie agreed to not shake things up too much and go along with the majority. This means that Candice will likely be evicted unanimously.

In other live feed news, all of the houseguests except Candice celebrated Amanda's bachelorette party Tuesday night. Amanda and McCrae had previously announced that they would have a wedding inside the Big Brother house, though it is unknown if either houseguest is serious about the marriage.

Big Brother 15 will air its next episode Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring the third nomination reveal, the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Watch this promo for the episode here: