Doctor Who fans have been rewarded for their patience with new stills from the upcoming 50th Anniversary Special.

The brand new images give Whovians a little peek at what is to come in "The Day of the Doctor."

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Featuring three iterations of the Doctor, the promo pics show the long departed Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) back in his natural habitat - flying the TARDIS. Although Ten usually had a smile to spare, Tennant and his fellow Time Lords look quite serious.

Meanwhile, the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) appears to be up to his usual high jinks. Although he appears inside his time travel spaceship with the Tenth Doctor, Eleven will also spend some holding on to the bottom of the TARDIS as he dangles several stories in the air.

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And of course we can't forget the mysterious unnumbered Doctor. Portrayed by John Hurt, the darker version of the iconic Gallifreyan first appeared in last May's "The Name of the Doctor." He seems quite familiar with the workings of the TARDIS, as any version of the Doctor would be, and fans can get a glimpse of his sonic screwdriver as it peeks out of his jacket.

Lastly, the new pictures show Jenna Louise Coleman as Clara, the Eleventh Doctor's current companion, and Jemma Redgrave as UNIT-affiliated scientist Kate Stewart ("The Power of Three"). Unfortunately, the BBC has yet to post a still involving Billie Piper as she reprises her role as the New Who series' first companion, Rose.

'Doctor Who' 50th Anniversary WATCH New Promos; 'Day of the Doctor' Simulcast Confirmed

"The Day of the Doctor" will be simulcast worldwide on Nov. 23.