As fans prepare to follow 11 teams in a race around the world once more when Amazing Race returns to CBS, some of the returning racers are confident that they will find a way to win this time around.

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27-year-old twin sisters Natalie and Nadiya Anderson, who were originally from Season 21 of the show, are among the teams hoping to race for a $1 million prize again, and in a pre-race interview with CBS, the Sri Lankan natives talked strategy and what made them memorable enough to warrant another appearance on the show.

"The race was just an amazing experience so being able to do it again with Nadiya and this time, winning, hopefully," Natalie started saying in the interview before Nadiya finished the thought for her, saying, "It's one more shot at redemption, coming back and winning."

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The twins, who placed fourth on their season, could need some redemption this time around, as they were not well-liked on their initial season. They did manage to get along well enough with second and third-place finishing teams Jaymes and James and Trey and Lexi, but notably clashed with eventual winners Josh and Brent, as well as fifth-place finishers Abbie and Ryan.

Their attitudes and tactics during the race made them polarizing for fans as well.

"People either loved us or hated us, there was no in-between. Either you were a big fan of us or you were just like, 'Oh God, the twins!'" Natalie said.

However, both sister agree that they wouldn't change anything this time around.

"The first time around we were so naïve about so many things and this time, especially watching ourselves and also watching other episodes for other seasons of other people, we've just made lots of more mental notes about what we can and cannot do," Nadiya said.

"Last time's strategy was just to keep calm and like not go crazy, but that all went out the window," Natalie added. "So this time I think our strategy is the same thing, to try to be calm during the race, to read notes, read everything properly."

They also believe that having gone through the race before has prepared them best of all.

"I think we definitely made an impressions, sometimes good, sometimes have such a big advantage coming back and having already done this," Natalie said.

Watch their full interview here.

The Amazing Race returns Sunday, Feb. 23 at 8 p.m. on CBS.