The next episode of The Young and the Restless will include more drama between Billy and Victoria as well as more hope for Chelsea.

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Chelsea is ecstatic with the prospect that Adam could be alive. She insists that they go find him because he could be hurt.

"Where did he go?" she asks the witness.

Billy & Victoria's Relationship Continues To Crumble

The homeless witness says that the man from the crash went home. He adds that he could read his thoughts.

Although Chelsea believes the homeless man, Victor thinks he's delusional. Yet, Chelsea begs Victor to help her with this.

In the meantime, Victoria and Billy are still dealing with their marital troubles. Billy arrives at their house and Victoria opens the door. She tells him she'd never keep Billy from seeing their son, Johnny.

Billy begins to reminisce on the good times they shared but Vikki tells him to stop. He then convinces her to take their son for a while and adds that he won't give on their relationship.

Little does Billy know that Victor has plans for Victoria and Johnny - He wants the mother and son to move into the ranch.

Billy later sees Kelly at Crimson Lights and finally tells her he can't speak to her anymore.

When he returns home with Johnny and goes upstairs, Victoria is thanking someone on the phone. Victor tells her she made a good decision. She then tells her estranged husband that she's made up her mind.

-- The Young and the Restless airs Mondays through Fridays at 12:30 p.m. EST on CBS.