Peter Capaldi is up and running as the Doctor, and his Twelfth regeneration is accruing his fair share of cuts and scrapes.

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Doctor Who set up camp at Cardiff University on Tuesday to film for episode 4, and bystanders got their first look at an injured Twelfth Doctor (see photo here). While it first looked as if Capaldi had accidently bumped his head while shooting, a source from the BBC quickly clarified that the cut near the actor's hair line was only for filming purposes.

'No injury was suffered, it's just make-up and part of an upcoming storyline," the source told The Daily Mail.

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The episode, which shot scenes in front of Hadyn Ellis Building, was penned by showrunner Steven Moffat and will introduce a creepy new monster. A minotaur like creature with curved horns and long, clawed arms was spotted roaming around set and should definitely have the younger viewers sheltering behind the sofa.

Danny Pink's (Samuel Anderson) was also spotted on the Cardiff campus, and he was looking even worse than the Doctor. With grey speckling his hair, it looks like the newest TARDIS passenger will have a run in with something that makes him age rapidly.

Find out more when Doctor Who returns to the BBC and BBC America later this year. Click the video below to get a sneak peek at a scene from the season 8 premiere.