The Walking Dead Season 5 is reportedly going to undergo some drastic changes as the characters struggle to find out if themselves again, or if there's no way of coming back especially for Rick.

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On Wednesday, Headlines & Global News posted a clip of the cast and crew giving details on what viewers can expect next season, mainly involving the fact that Rick is likely never going to be the same person that fans have always known him as.

"You can never be the same person you once were...Rick can't," Andrew Lincoln said on his character. "And I think that that was the eternal struggle is that he was trying to repress a part of him that 'is' in him."

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Executive producer Greg Nicotero also mentioned that Rick will not be the same anymore, with hints on how that will happen.

"I would pretty much guarantee that we're going to see a completely different Rick Grimes in Season 5, one who is just willing to do anything and would never question any motive or any decision," Nicotero said. "He just goes into it head-first."

Danai Gurira, who plays Michonne on the series, revealed that there is no way of knowing who any of the characters will become.

"You can always evolve, there's constant evolution of self that happens in this world and that's what's always fascinating that we don't know who anybody's going to be by the beginning of Season 5," Gurira said.

The Walking Dead Season 5 is expected to premiere in October on AMC.