Over four months after Honey Boo Boo's family found themselves in an after-dinner car crash, Alana (Honey Boo Boo) Thompson's sister, Lauryn 'Pumpkin' Shannon, is still suffering ill effects from the accident.

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While the rest of the family emerged from the Jan. 7 accident with only minor injuries, the 13-year-old Lauryn soon started to experience the aftereffects of a severe concussion. Following several visits to the emergency room and an extended stay at the Georgia's Children's Hospital in February, it looked like the youngster was on the mend.

However, a recent Facebook post from "Mama" June Shannon indicates otherwise.

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"Getting ready to leave the hotel to take [P]umpkin to a new headache specialist here in Atlanta we was referred out too I'm not going to lie I'm a Lil nervous cause still after 4 1/2 Mths after the wreck we r still dealing with all this and all she wants to b is better and back to herself a 100%," June wrote on Tuesday. "So hopefully this visit will help us in that and give us more answers and what long term treatment we will need so just keep her in your thoughts that' why we haven't posted on here a lot cause we dealing with doc appts. and just getting her better and that's what important and we want to thank all of u for your support through all of this and everything that we have done we truly appreciate all of yall."

While Lauryn continues to recover, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo fans can catch new episodes starting June 19 at 9 p.m. ET on TLC.