At the 2014 Phoenix Comic Con, Stephen Amell, who plays Oliver Queen on Arrow, and John Barrowman, who plays Malcolm Merlyn, described and reenacted a deleted scene from the first season, in which Oliver and Malcolm are supposed to meet for the very first time.

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The recently uploaded video captures both actors recalling the scene and its hilarious end at seperate interactions with the press and fans. Apparently Amell and Barrowman shot a scene where Oliver and Malcolm meet for episode 7 of season 1, which was later cut out as the creators thought it was not the right time to have them come face to face just yet. The duo's retelling of the scene played up the humor factor for fans, and revealed that Barrowman was actually quite the jovial trouble maker on set. In character, Barrowman actually broke into a sassy skip as the scene was being filmed as he made his brief introduction to Oliver, causing Amell to crack up.

"So that in a nutshell is what it's like to work with Johnny," Amell stated at the end of it. "I've been promised by him that it's going to get worse before it gets better."

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Barrowman only reaffirmed the fact at the end of his bit, saying that he had told Amell that as he is back for season 3 they were going to have a "good time."

Hopefully fans will get to see the real sequence in the bonus/bloopers segment of the DVD of season 1 of Arrow.

The finale, titled Unthinkable, of season 2 of Arrow aired on May 14 on CW.

Watch the preview for the finale here: