In light of Raffaele Sollecito changing his tactics as he prepares his own appeals case for the murder of Meredith Kercher, Amanda Knox is rumored to be considering a new approach for her case as well.

Raffaele Sollecito Changes His Appeal?

According to a July 10 article on Ground Report, Knox, 26, is now considering a change in her case where she blames the entire murder on Sollecito, saying he committed the actual murder, but she did witness the events--and tried to help him cover up his crimes.

Citing unnamed sources, the article claims that Knox has opened up to her lawyers and PR team, saying on the night of the murder, she had gone back to the villa she was sharing with Kercher in Perugia, Italy, to purchase drugs from Rudy Guede. However, when she arrived, Meredith became angry with her over money that had been stolen from her room, forcing a scared Knox to leave and return with Sollecito 30 minutes later.

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The report claims Knox now says upon her and Sollecito returning to the home, he tried to calm Kercher down without success, and when she became violent and tried attacking Knox and Sollecito with a knife, he managed to wrestle it away from her and lost control in the struggle, accidentally slashing Kercher's throat in the process. Knox reportedly now claims she witnessed the entire thing from the kitchen of the home, covering her ears because of the screams.

Knox reportedly does admit to helping Sollecito stage a scene that would set Guede up for murder and burglary, but she has only come clean now because she had been in love with Sollecito, and felt betrayed by his recently changed story.

In a press conference with his attorneys in Rome on July 1, Sollecito added new claims that his former girlfriend was not with him the entire night of Kercher's murder, destroying her alibi that she had been at his apartment the entire time--whereas he never left his home.

"Only a madman or a criminal would change versions, and I'm neither mad nor criminal," he said at the conference. "There's proof that I was at my place and I was watching Japanese cartoons."

However, though he has amended the one-time shared alibi, Sollecito did maintain he believed Knox was innocent, despite anomalies with how she acted the night of the murder.

"I always believed, and still believe, that Amanda Marie Knox is innocent," he said.

Knox, Sollecito and Guede were all arrested in connection to Kercher's murder back in 2007. Guede has been serving a 16-year prison sentence in Italy, though Knox and Sollecito both pleaded not guilty and were later acquitted in 2011.

However, a new trial reportedly focused on DNA evidence concluded this January with a second guilty verdict for the pair. Sollecito was sentenced to 25 years in prison, while Knox received 28.

The two are currently preparing their final chances to appeal, with cases scheduled to be heard either later this year or in early 2015.

If the report is true and Knox is now changing the story to implicate her ex-boyfriend as the sole criminal in the case, it would be a radical change from her past defenses of him, where she insisted he was innocent, and only dragged into the case because he had been dating her at the time.

Mere weeks after their reconvictions earlier this year, Knox took to her personal blog to maintain her stance that while she also was not guilty of Kercher's murder, it was wrong for prosecutors to drag her ex-boyfriend's name into the case as well.

"As tenuous as the case is against me, it is illogical and unfair that Raffaele should be held legally answerable for it," she wrote in February. "...The only reason that he has been dragged into this is because he happens to be my alibi. He is collateral damage in the unreasonable, irresponsible, and unrelenting scapegoating of the prosecution's grotesque caricature that is 'Foxy Knoxy.'"

Amanda knox