In a recent interview, Hank Azaria and Liev Schrieber spoke about their characters and the dynamic they shared in season 2 of Showtime's Ray Donovan.

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Azaria plays the new character, head of the FBI's LA division James Cochran, and Schreiber plays the titular character of the show. Cochran has been on Ray's case ever since he came into town, and has also got Mickey (Jon Voight) under the gun, pressing him to give away information that would convict Ray.

While both the characters seem antithetical on the surface, Azaria stated they were actually more similar than most would imagine. In an interview with USA Today dated August 9, both Azaria and Schrieber weighed in on the nature of these characters vis-a-vis each other.

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Azaria called Cochran "an odd mirror image" of Ray. Adding that he was "a guy who has set things up to do what he wants to do. This guy's purely about power in every moment."

Schreiber also affirmed Azaria's assesment of the two. "They're remarkably similar in their controlling nature. people who are dominating and controlling in the way these two characters are, there's an anxiety that if they don't control the world, something will be revealed that could hurt them terribly," he said.

The second season premiered on July 13.

The next episode of Ray Donovan will air on Sunday, Aug 17 at 8 pm ET/PT on Showtime.

Watch the preview here: