Doctor Who's Peter Capaldi is about to take his first adventure as the Twelfth Doctor, but the actor has already weaved himself into the Whoverse.

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After an appearance as Caecillus during Doctor Who's "The Fires of Pompeii" and John Frobisher in Torchwood's "Children of Earth" series, Capaldi is no stranger to the world of the Doctor. Soon viewers will have a chance to see how all these disparate characters connect.

"The full answer is not there, but the question is certainly addressed," Capaldi said of the Doctor's connection to Caecillus and John Frobisher in season 8, according to Triple J (via Doctor Who TV). "It's something that you'll discover. The Doctor is always influenced in his regenerations by things that are around him."

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While some may take that to mean the Time Lord subconsciously chose the shape of a former acquaintance, Capaldi believes this is not entirely the case.

"But you also have to question who that character was in Pompeii," Capaldi teased. "Perhaps he was not who he said he was..."

To find out what showrunner Steven Moffat had to say on the subject, click here.

Find out more when Doctor Who returns to the BBC and BBC America on Aug. 23. Click the video below to see a trailer for the premiere, which is titled "Deep Breath."