While the line-up for which villains are showing up are beginning to be set in place, there could still be a set of other roles that will be crucial to the team. One could be an Oscorp employee who would return to help get the villains what they need.

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Speaking with ComingSoon on Thursday, Marton Csokas, who played Dr. Ashley Kafka in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, talked about his most recent work alongside Denzel Washington in The Equalizer. The actor also said he would be down to come back to help out in the next Spider-Man universe movie, Sinister Six.

"Well, it's news to me, but I'm all for that. I had a great experience on the set with Marc Webb. I had a great time, but we shot about 80% more," Csokas said.

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"I haven't seen it, because I understand that there are only about two scenes (left) and I had such a lovely time making it, and I don't want to go in and go, "Oh, yeah, but what about all that beautiful stuff we did?"

In the comics, Kafka, as a female character, tried to rehabilitate super-criminals like Carnage, Electro, Vulture, Doctor Octopus, Chameleon and Carrion, all of which have fought with Spider-Man for years.

A few of these members are rumored to be fighting Spider-Man in the Sinister Six and having Kafka there could be a clue that some of the villains will come from his hospital or be where they end up after the events of the movie.

Sinister Six is set to open in theaters on November 6, 2016.