Revenge's Victoria Grayson may soon find herself six feet under.

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The Queen of the Hamptons could be nearing the end of her rule, according to actress Madeleine Stowe.

"There are going to be deaths," Stowe informed E! Online. "I wouldn't be surprised if Victoria's one of them."

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Yikes! Perhaps Victoria's attempts to take down the seemingly invincible Emily Thorne (Emily VanCamp) will land her a fate worse than her brief hold at the mental institution.

Stowe, however, was sure to emphasized the fact that her deadly predictions are all her own. Season 4 has been mapped out in the writer's room, but the actress is not privy to her character's long-term plans.

If Mrs. Grayson were to go down, whose fault would it be? Victoria is playing fast and loose with the lies she dishes out to the seemingly unstable David Clarke (James Tupper), and tricking him into attempting to kill his own daughter could be more than the allegedly deceased man is willing to forgive. Emily, meanwhile, could compile a weighty list of reasons why her nemesis should be crossed out.

Do you think Victoria will fall to Death's scythe in season 4? Sound off in the poll below!

Find out more when Revenge airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET. Click the video below to see a preview for the series' next episode, "Meteor."