On October 25, House of Cards showrunner Beau Willimon gave a keynote address at the New York Television Festival and joked about the possibility of North Korean prime minister Kim Jong Un, who has been in the news for having gone MIA, and Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) duetting on 'I'm So Lonely.'

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The Hollywood Reporter reported from the event and captured Willimon's quips and analysis of his Netflix political drama. While all of that was entertainging, the writer, who has remained tight-lipped about the plot of season 3, kept his resolve.

"What the hell has Kim Jong Un been doing this past month? There's something fishy there," Willimon said.

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He then mentioned that his writers have been working on season 3 while listening to 'I'm So Lonely' on loop, and launched into the joke.

"Wouldn't be great to see Frank [Underwood] and Kim Jong Un do 'I'm So Lonely?' ... because it's f-ing awesome!" he added.

The show also stars Robin Wright, who portrays Claire Underwood on the show.

Filming for third season of House of Cards is currently underway in Maryland, where the first and second seasons were also shot. Initially, the continuation of filming of the third season of the Netflix series was fraught with troubles over the past few weeks as the producers weren't getting permission from the State of Maryland. But the issue was finally resolved on April 25.

Watch a trailer for House of Cards season 2: