Lady Rose is about to find herself a new man when Downton Abbey returns to the United States.

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On Tuesday, The Times of Israel released a story on Rose's love interest named Atticus Aldridge played by Matt Barber. Atticus is described as a handsome Jewish man who appears in the fifth episode of the fifth season. He and Rose meet when he offers to help her carry her basket of cakes during a rainstorm.

She tells him that she's on her way to serve tea to former Russian aristocrats where he lets her know that his family immigrated to England from Russia.

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As time goes on, the man surprises Rose with a visit in the shelter where she serves the tea so she introduces him to two of the Romanovs. She mentions that his family came from Odessa, which causes one of the aristocrats to say that Atticus isn't Russian. Atticus then explains that he is not considered a Russian because he is Jewish.

Rose doesn't seem to mind where Atticus's heritage comes from, which is likely to create some serious chemistry. In the sixth episode of the season, Rose and Atticus's parents will reportedly meet.

Lily James, who plays Rose, recently dished to Pop Shack TV about how her character is changing since she's not as risque as she used to be.

"She's actually calmed down this year- I know!" the actress said. "I got the script and I was like, 'Really? She's so well-behaved.'"

Downton Abbey Season 5 is expected to premiere in the United States on Sunday, January 4 at 9 p.m. ET on PBS.