The relationship between Miles and Tristan is about to come into a major danger zone on Degrassi when one of them winds up in what appears to be a breakdown.

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On Friday, a new sneak peek of the Teen Nick series was released when Miles walks into class and everyone is angry at him. He asks to see Tristan, but is told that he doesn't want to see him ever since Miles outed their relationship in the newspaper.

Unfortunately, this is putting Tristan in a rough place because he pops out behind the desk and tells his boyfriend that everyone thinks Miles is using him just to make his dad angry. This leaves the guys into a dispute where Miles looks upset and guilty, but Tristan doesn't want to have it. Class begins, but Miles walks away.

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Maya all of a sudden spots Miles, who is also her ex, where she tries to talk to him. She even follows him into the boys' locker room where she does what she can to get Miles to reveal what's really eating him up. One theory she has is that her ex dated Tristan just to hurt her, but that doesn't seem to be the entire case.

Miles just doesn't seem to be able to take this so Maya informs him that he should let someone know even if it isn't her because holding this in will not help.

Degrassi airs on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on Teen Nick.

Check out the clip below.