The promo for the upcoming Christmas special of The Fosters has been released.

There's Something Suspicious About Grandma Sharon On 'The Fosters' Christmas Special

It sounds like there will be some genuine family moments that show the happy family hugging, giving presents and looking like they're enjoying the holidays. But naturally, things are going to take a dramatic turn when Brandon and Callie get caught in a romantic moment- or at least that's how it looks.

The promo starts off with Callie playfully insulting Brandon when he shows her an ornament he made when he was younger that's in the shape of the Grinch. Callie asks if he was blindfolded, giving the impression that there must be some feelings if she was able to make a little joke like that.

Find Out More Details On 'The Fosters' Christmas Special

The energy of this trailer has a friendly vibe as holiday music plays so it seems like the episode won't have too much hard-core drama. But according to a recent synopsis from Carter Matt, Callie and Jude are going to spend their first Christmas with the Fosters that will come with some strings attached with how they feel about this. Callie will feel a "sting" while Jude's guilt over his adoption will have him overcompensate.

Meanwhile, a neighbor is going to accuse Jesus of cheating at a decorating competition. Plus, Stef is going to find out something about Grandma Sharon's excessive gift giving.

The Fosters Christmas special is set to air on Monday, December 8 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC Family.

Check out the promo below.