Regina (Lana Parrilla) is putting on her Evil Queen costume in present day Storybrooke on an upcoming episode of ABC's Once Upon a Time and the actress has revealed what may lead her to this point.

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Still dealing with her complicated relationship with Robin Hood (Sean Maguire), Regina is feeling conflicted on her fate in life. Parrilla, dressed in the Evil Queen costume, reveals in a new clip (featured below) that Regina is just trying her best to do the right thing.

"She is heartbroken and dealing with the loss of Robin Hood and she's not handling that so well," Parrilla says. "It's kind of a push and pull dynamic that you'll see between them. She wants to be with him, she wants to be his girl and yet he's such an honorable man so she respects that and the best thing to do is to keep their distance."

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Parrilla adds that Regina is really, really trying to be good. At the same time, she's kind of lost a lot of faith," noting that "what she's discovering is that villains don't get happy endings."

Ultimately, this leads Regina to put on the Evil Queen costume and potentially return to being a full-on villain.

"Something happens where she's kind of just out of control," Parrilla teases, saying the reason why she does it is something that everyone should enjoy.

Once Upon a Time airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.