It looks like Downton Abbey is about to remove something from the series because of certain viewers who might disapprove.

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On Sunday, Telegraph reported that the men on the show are supposed to wear different kinds of clothing now like stockings and breeches because that was the style during those historical years. But producers have decided to not let this happen because they are under the impression that these clothes on men would not appeal to female viewers.

The site also pointed out that historical adviser Alastair Bruce has always been picky about what goes on in the series to make sure it's historically accurate, but this time he's had to let it go.

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"At this time, on high days and holidays when the family were in white tie, footmen would probably have been breeched," Bruce said. "But we've tried our actors in breeches and the view of the production is that they don't look good. And them looking good is absolutely key."

Despite the fact that the clothes may not be perfectly acceptable to what men wore in the old days, the adviser gave the impression that everyone did the best they could.

"If an actor is uncomfortable or looks less than, 'Oh my God, he's gorgeous,' then it's my job to say, well, this is what would have happened, but I think we have reached a happy medium," he said.

Downton Abbey Season 5 will premiere in the United States on Sunday, January 4 at 9 p.m. ET on PBS.