Ryan Gosling a super villain? Some recent emails in the Sony hack have revealed that the studio is very interested in the actor joining one or two franchises that they are working on starting.

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The Daily Beast reported on Saturday that Sony executives really hit it off this fall with Gosling and are looking to put him into a number of projects. The two most notable ones are Sinister Six and the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot.

Gosling has been flirting with superhero projects this year as the actor was supposedly a finalist for the role of Doctor Strange with Marvel (which was given to Benedict Cumberbatch) and one of the members of the Suicide Squad with Warner Bros. (now Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Tom Hardy, and Jai Courtney).

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But would he consider one of these new roles?

It remains to be seen if he would consider Ghostbusters since that project is still trying to gain its legs with the all female cast first. But for Sinister Six, it just doesn't seem like his cup of tea. While Marvel is well-respected now, and Warner Bros. at least has The Dark Knight trilogy to back it up, Sony doesn't have the resume that either of those studios has.

Instead, it has a recent effort that included Oscar nominees like Paul Giamatti and Jamie Foxx being underutilized, which probably looks bad to Gosling who has taken on more respectable projects so far in his career.

If Sony can somehow bag Gosling, it would be a big get and the actor is interested in playing a villain since he showed some interest in Suicide Squad, but it is questionable now that Sony and their problematic Spider-Man universe would be the route he takes into the superhero world.